Board Members

Lieutenant-Colonel (ret.) Daniel F. O’Connor, CD,LLB, BCL, MBA, B Eng.
Daniel O’Connor graduated from Royal Military College, Kingston in Electrical Engineering. In addition, he obtained a Bachelor of Laws (Civil Code and Common Law) as well as an MBA from McGill University. In addition to his private practice in commercial and intellectual property law, he has over 37 years of service in the Canadian Armed Forces, both regular and reserve elements. He became the Commander of the Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada and at the end of his command he was invited to assume the role of Honorary Colonel. In addition to his community and sports involvement, Mr. O’Connor has been involved for more than 20 years in the cause of supporting veterans. He is a member and has served as Provincial and National President of the Last Post Fund. Since 2002, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of Maison Biéler inc. and has served as Chairman of the Board since 2013. When The Trail was created in 2018, he accepted the chairmanship of its Board of Directors.

Lieutenant-colonel (ret.) Guy Rousseau, CD
Guy Rousseau is a 35 year veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces. Deployed on several occasions, he has occupied several senior operational and strategic positions in peacekeeping operations. Upon retirement from service, he joined the Last Post Fund organization as General Manager for Quebec. In 2011, he stepped down and joined the organization’s Board of Directors as director and treasurer. Guy Rousseau began his involvement with Maison Biéler inc. in 2012 and became Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Maison Biéler and of The Trail in 2018.

Louise L’Heureux
Louise L’Heureux is a graduate of the HEC business school with a career in the field of corporate events planning. During the 90s, she redirected her career towards the tourism industry. Daughter of a WWII veteran, she joined Maison Biéler inc. in 2002 and subsequently became the secretary of the organization and with The Trail in 2018 in the same role.

Captain (Navy) Peter Langlais, OMM, CD
Peter Langlais is a McGill University graduate (B.Comm.) who worked for over 30 years with SNC-LAVALIN. He held several executive positions in project management, strategic management and operations at national and international level, with a specialization in hydropower. At the same time, he served in the Royal Canadian Navy for 27 years, including 8 years as Commanding Officer of HMCS Donnacona. Despite a demanding schedule, he became involved at the provincial and national level with the Last Post Fund, where he was successively Provincial and National President. Member then treasurer of Maison Biéler inc, he has held the position of treasurer of The Trail since 2018. Peter is an officer of the Order of Military Merit.

Geneviève Richer, M.D.
Dr. Geneviève Richer’s contribution to Le Sentier represents another facet of her long-standing involvement in the cause of veterans. Chief of the medical service at Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue Hospital, she has a thorough knowledge of the reality of our veterans, including those suffering from post-traumatic stress. For the past several years, she has been part of the medical team accompanying Canadian veterans on memorial trips to Europe. In addition to her daily responsibilities, she is very active with her professional order in the field of education.

Lieutenant-Colonel (ret.) Ronald Gagnon, CD
Ronald Gagnon is a 35 year veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces. Deployed on several occasions, he has occupied several managerial positions and acquired expertise in resource management, harassment prevention and diversity. Ronald is still actively involved in the well-being of veterans of Sainte-Anne’s Hospital with his regimental association of the Royal 22e Régiment.